There is real science behind the fact that slowing down and switching off can help us to speed up by allowing ideas to settle and percolate. By doing this, we’ll get more out of our days and keep our wellbeing intact. Here are five ideas to help you do more of that…
Read MoreTen approaches that can help you set and maintain boundaries
When we feel overwhelmed or frustrated, there’s often a boundary involved somewhere. It may be that we don’t have good ones in place or they’re being trampled on. Either way, with the pace of life we’re all dealing with now, having clear lines in the sand is vital. Setting boundaries is one thing but keeping them in place when there’s so much going on, is another. Here are 10 approaches that might help.
Read MoreAre goals one of the magic ingredients in the prioritisation puzzle?
I’ve recently heard a leader talking about the importance of prioritisation and goals. It made me think about how important goals are in helping us to prioritise and think about why we do what we do.
Read MoreDo you know the true costs involved when organisational change doesn't go the way you planned?
Sometimes, we need to hear real-life stories of the unintended and unplanned consequences of organisational change going wrong, to understand how to do things better. Here’s a very personal story that illustrates how the simplest thing that hasn’t been considered, can have a big knock-on effect.
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