When times get tough, the ‘nice to have’s’ go on the list to be cut. Here’s why wellbeing shouldn’t be on that list…
Read MoreWhy purposeful intention matters even more than ever
Having clear and purposeful intention of how you’re rethinking ways of working for your organisation and how you’re bringing your teams together, will make a big difference. Having a planned approach which also allows for flexibility, enables you to get people involved in the change and so deliver the best results for your organisation.
Read MoreBe more Greta – leading in unprecedented change
The traditional leadership approaches we’re used to, are unlikely to help us solve some of the biggest challenges we’re facing today - like climate change. So, what can we learn from different leadership approaches - like those of activists such as those of Greta Thunberg?
Read MoreMy week of purpose and meaning and why it matters in any change involving people
I’ve recently had a week dotted with glimmers of purpose and meaning which reminded me why these matter so much for both individuals and organisations, especially in change.. So, what did I learn?
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