It can feel really difficult to give space for silence. But when we do, it can have surprisingly positive results.
Read MoreHow are you leading in the post-pandemic world?
As we mark another anniversary of the UK lockdown in 2020, this offers a natural pause to reflect on the level and volume of change and uncertainty we’ve all faced (and continue to navigate) since the pandemic. And this is no different for leaders who need to maintain balance and motivate others whatever’s going on. Here are three ideas to consider…
Read More8 ways to lead differently in 2023
The challenges we’ve all faced over the last couple of years aren’t going away - they’re shifting. Here are eight ways that you can lead differently in 2023 to help make uncertainty and change easier for you and your team.
Read MoreWant to harness your inner voice?
Over the summer, I read ‘Chatter. The Voice in Our Head and How to Harness It by Ethan Kross, after I’d had several conversations about how our inner dialogue can often seem to hijack our thinking. Read the full review here.
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