If I ask you to think about the word rest, what comes to mind?
Is it sleeping? Lying on a sofa/hammock/deckchair/bed/beach (delete/add as appropriate)? Or is it something else?
Image: Chris Boland, www.chrisboland.com/portraits
Rest is one of those interesting words that conjures up different ideas and is often related to sleeping. But if we think about it in a different way – rather than rest, think of it as respite and an opportunity to recharge – then we get a different perspective entirely.
In ‘The Art of Rest’ Claudia Hammond explores 10 activities that, through research, people told her they considered restful. They range from mindfulness to reading, going for a walk to listening or spending time in nature. One thing that stood out for me is that many of these allow us to ‘be’ as well as ‘do’ – a balance that allows us space to slow down.
In my coaching practice, I often work with leaders who want to change habits to either have more ‘being’ time, have a better, more balanced quality of life, think more creatively and get new ideas or respond, rather than react, to situations. In the uncertain times we’re living in right now, creating opportunities to recharge feels even more important.
Rest shouldn’t just be exclusive to leaders though – we all need breathing space. So, those leaders who can put on their own oxygen mask first and then help others will create a better working environment for everyone.
Recognising the signals that we need rest (rather than sleep), testing and learning what types of restful activities could work for us and creating habits around them – all ways we can help to create that balance.
My rest always comes from being in nature. How do you rest and recharge?
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