put people and their wellbeing at the heart of WORKPLACE change

Jo Twiselton, Twist Consultants, smiling at camera leaning against a wall

Struggling to bring out the best in yourself – and others – when change is relentless? Finding it tricky to create clarity and focus for yourself and your teams, when things are feeling so unsteady? Want to be a better change leader but you’re not sure where to start?

If you’re a senior leader in a mid to large sized organisation, then it’s your job to create clarity and confidently lead your people through times of change. In these tough times that’s harder than ever. If you care about the wellbeing of your people, then you’ll want to create a culture that supports sustainable change, where people feel positive about a world where business as usual no longer exists. 

I offer leaders like you a safe but challenging space to think about how you’re leading and communicating in our very wonky world. You can explore how you can develop your wellbeing and resilience and that that of your team, communicate well and put people and their wellbeing first in change.

My work is designed to help you build a more resilient organisation, able to anticipate, adapt and positively respond to disruption. I offer an outside in perspective to help you change from the inside out, so you can make a difference and deliver change for the better.

why this matters

The links between employee engagement, well-managed organisational change, and positive wellbeing are increasingly being recognised.

And, with the upheaval that the pandemic has introduced, the ability for organisations to adapt well to change have never been greater so they can stay the course. It’s not only for the bottom line but for the good of their people too.

Circle icon showing 5:1 - according to Deloitte 2020 for every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions they get £5 back in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover

pounds spent:

For every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions they get £5 back in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover (Deloitte, 2020)

55% in circle icon - number of employees experiencing org change felt chronic stress, compared with 22% who didn’t experience change

change and stress:

55% of employees experiencing org change felt chronic stress, compared with 22% who didn’t experience change (American Psychological Association, 2017)

Icon showing 30% in a circle - 30% of approx. 100,000 said that change at work is a source of pressure that ‘troubled’ them

Source of pressure:

+30% of approx. 100,000 said that change at work is a source of pressure that ‘troubled’ them (Robertson Cooper)

work with me

Twist Consultants, Jo Twiselton writing about circles of influence on a flipchart in front of two people

executive coaching

Want to build your leadership resilience and communicate well in change?

Jo Twiselton, Twist Consultants, talking to a workshop audience about organisation change in front of a whiteboard showing the change curve

resilient team coaching
and mentoring

Need to develop your team’s resilience and wellbeing to better navigate change?

Jo Twiselton, Twist Consultants, leading a workshop about resilience and wellbeing for the CIPR

workshops and masterclasses

Want to develop your change leadership skills?

Jo Twiselton, founder of Twist Consultants wearing a white blouse and smiling at the camera and holding a coffee cup in her right hand.

Want to put people and their wellbeing at the heart of change, but not sure where to start?

I’m Jo Twiselton. I’m an executive coach, mentor and facilitator to senior leaders who are driven to make a difference and want to put people and their wellbeing at the heart of change.

Using coaching, communication and facilitation techniques, I’ll provide you and your teams the space to think about change leadership, explore how to develop your wellbeing and resilience and deliver your potential. An outside in perspective that helps you create change from the inside out.


what people say

I worked with Jo on a multi-million pound contract, providing the UK Ministry of Defence with facilities management and project services. Jo’s natural talent for change management was evidenced every day. Not only was she working with the senior team, providing tools and techniques to help keep the client-facing programme on track, but she supported us in bringing together two, FTSE-150 organisations to work effectively and efficiently. This created even more value for the contract - and the client. I would wholeheartedly recommend working with Jo on any change project to ensure a clear focus on smooth transition and achieving the desired outcomes
— Chris Colley, FM and Renewables senior professional
Jo played a leading business change role on a large, technically and organisationally complex transformation Programme within easyJet Commercial Systems. Jo repeatedly demonstrated the perfect balance of empathy, clear communications and decisiveness required to make change genuinely stick.
Managing business transformation requires a great deal of resiliency, clarity and the ability to see the big picture – Jo has this in spades.
— Paul Sidebottom, Software Engineering, Architecture and Agile Delivery

from the blog